Kendra Maxwell currently practices psychotherapy as a Licensed Independent Mental Health Therapist in Richmond Kentucky. Kendra has serviced the Richmond community for over 4 years providing school-based counseling and community mental health services.  Kendra is an EMDR trained clinician who specializes in using a client-centered approach in the treatment of complex trauma, depression and anxiety, PTSD, behavioral and mood disorders in adolescents and young adults. Additionally, Kendra has 7 years experience providing recreational therapy services to individuals with special needs. This work helped to shape Kendra’s vision on guiding individuals through healing while manifesting what they believe to be a normal, balanced and healthy lifestyle. Kendra is driven toward helping those battling adversities to navigate the world, find their voice, and speak their truths.

Kendra Maxwell

M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

LPCC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor)

NCC (National Certified Counselor)

EMDR trained therapist


Tiara Armstrong, LPCC-S, NCC


Nicole Keeney, LPCC, NCC