Hi I’m Genevieve Postlethwait, Ed.S., LPCA. I'm a trauma-focused and EMDR-trained therapist based in western Kentucky. My aim is not to fix or heal you. It’s to help you find a place of wholeness where you feel seen, heard, and understood. From there, I'm here to help you heal yourself as only you can. As a trauma-focused therapist I like to get at the root of things, on your terms. You're the author & authority of your story, I get to be a fellow traveler for a time. You bring your lived experience, I bring my training in trauma-informed therapies. Together we can explore the how’s & why’s of your present state so you can create a future of your choosing.


Genevieve Postlethwait

Ed. S

LPCA (Licensed Professional Counselor Associate )

EMDR trained therapist


Nicole Keeney, LPCC, NCC


Jana Kidd, LPCC, LCDAC